Help Topics > Home

Welcome to the Software Flexible License Manager (SFLM) Online Help.

This web interface is designed to give the SFLM administrator an easy to use graphical interface to all the available features in SFLM. Tasks such as installing a new license file, monitoring usage of licensed products and license redundancy control are all available.

The Home page is accessible from most pages by clicking on 'Home' or the SFLM logo.

  1. On the left is the navigation menu which provides access to all available features of SFLM. These are listed under three categories: Admin, Reports and Support Utilities.

  2. The main part of the page shows the 3 most commonly accessed features; Show Active User(s), Show Valid License(s) and Install New License(s). These are shortcuts to pages that are also listed in the second level of the navigation menus.

  3. The bottom of the window reports the SFLM server web address, the machine ID of the server and the version of the SFLM software currently installed. This information is only needed when you contact your vendor for support.

  4. Logging in allows the SFLM Administrator to perform Admin tasks. The Administrator password is not required to use the other features of this web interface accessed from the 'Reports' or 'Support' menus.
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