Customize Logging

Help Topics > Admin > Customize Logging

License Usage Logging

License Usage Logging Directory
The directory where license usage summarries and logs are keep. You can change the list of possible locations by setting the environmental variable SFLM_USAGE_DIRECTORIES before starting the server.
License Usage Logging Mode
This controls how much information is kept in the usage log directory. Note: Logging check-outs and check-ins may require significant amounts of disk space.
No logging.
Summary of each product (license ID) usage.
Summary of each product (license ID) used by each user as well as the product summary.
All license check-outs and check-ins are logged as well as a product summary.
All license check-outs and check-ins are logged as well as a product and user summary.

More information may be found in Help Topics > Advanced Topics > License Usage Statistics.

System Error/Message Logging

This controls the log messages passed to the system logger. On UNIX, this is passed as local5 and is controlled /etc/syslog.conf. On Windows, they go into the Application Log which can be view using the Event Viewer.

System Log Level
This pull down menu controls the individual logging level for the system logging. See Log Levels below The default level is Notice.

File Error/Message Logging

Instead of using the system's logging capabilities, the SFLM server can simply write messages to a file. This is easier to set up but has dangers as the is nothing monitoring the log sizes.

File Name
This specifies the file to append the log message on to.
Log Level
This pull down menu controls the individual logging level for the user defined log file. See Log Levels below. The deault level is Off.

Verbose logging/messaging

By default this is "off". Switching this to "Yes" will result in more detail in some web pages and some log messages.

All the current server settings may be reload from the server by clicking on Restore. You may save any changes you made by clicking on Save Changes.

Log Levels

These log levels control the seriousness of the messages being logged. When set to a level, those message and messages from levels above are logged. For example, if the log level is Error: Error, Critical, Alert and Emergency messages are logged. These levels coincide with the standard UNIX log message levels.

Sensitivity level legend
No logging is performed
A panic condition

A condition that should be corrected immediately. Examples of this include:

  • Errors contained in the license file(s) will be reported. This could occur if the file has been corrupted or if it has been edited (which is not allowed).
  • SFLM is installed on a system not specified in the license file.
  • System clock has been changed.
  • License(s) close to expiration will be reported.
  • License(s) that will only be active at a time in the future.
  • SFLM server exits.
  • Server is low on memory.
Critical conditions. Examples of this include:
  • Hardware failure such as a hard disk error.
  • Memory corruption.

Errors. Examples of this include:

  • Cannot get MAC address.
  • Unable to register program.
  • SFLM installation failure.

Warning messages. Typically non fatal. Examples include:

  • Unterminated string received by server.
  • Obsolete license(s).

Conditions that are not error conditions, but that may require special handling. Examples include:

  • Notice that verbose mode is turned on.
  • Failed request for a license because all licenses were in use or no license found.
  • Attempt(s) to connect to a port.
  • The machine indentification has changed perhaps due to new hardware.
  • Server status is in the process of being cleared.
  • Reading of a particular license file.

Informational messages. Examples of these include:

  • License check out and in. This information contains the username, machine name, product name and process ID.
  • Other requests that can be safely ignored.
Messages that contain information normally of use only when debugging a program.
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