License Usage Statistics

Help Topics > Advanced Topics > License Usage Statistics

To track license usage and create statistical usage tables, you can turn on license usage logging using Admin > Customize Logging (Help Info). When license usage logging is turned on, a directory structure will be created in the specified directory. In that directory, subdirectories and files are created for each day the usage is logged. For eaxample, if all logging was turned on for July 1, 2007, the following files would be created.

A summary of license usage by product on July 1, 2007. A line will exist for each product used during that day. If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still exist as a summary of all users.
Log of license check-out and check-in times on July 1, 2007. Note: All licenses checked out at the end of the day are considered to be checked-in and immediately checked-out for the next day.
A temporary file used for currently running jobs on July 1, 2007.
A summary of license usage for July 2007. A line will exist for each product used during that month. If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still exist as a summary of all users.
A summary of license usage for 2007. A line will exist for each product used during that year. If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still exist as a summary of all users.
A summary of license usage for July 1-7, 2007. A line will exist for each product used during that week. All weeks start on Sunday and end on Saturday (UTC) and are numbered from the start of the Common Era (CE aka AD). If UserLogging is turned on, another line will be added for each user and product combination. The line for the product (without a user) will still exist as a summary of all users.

All logging is done in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) also commonly referred to as GMT. This allows usage from different time zones to be logged consistently. Therefore days may seem to start and end at different times:
City Start of July 1 End of July 1
San Francisco June 30, 5pm PDT July 1, 5pm PDT
New York June 30, 8pm EDT July 1, 8pm EDT
GMT July 1, 12am GMT July 2, 12am GMT
London July 1, 1am BST July 2, 1am BST
Tokyo July 1, 9am JST July 2, 9am JST


The summary files contain product (and maybe user) information about the total period logging was turned on for the related period. It also contains summaries by time of day and day of week to better grasp how licenses are being used. The columns of the summary files are documented in this table. Note: single day entries do not have day of week summaries for obvious reasons.

Summary Column TitleDescription
UserName The login name of the user. If this is empty or "(null)", this refers to a summary of all users.
ProductId The unique ID that identifies a product or program feature.
ProductName The name given for the ProductId above.
NrHours Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode.
AverageDesired The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user). This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8 busiest hours during the day and the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
AverageUsed The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user). This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8 busiest hours during the day and the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
MaxDesired This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged.
MaxUsed This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged.
TotalDesired This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time time they were desired. The unit is therefore - license hours.
TotalUsed This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time time they were granted. The unit is therefore - license hours.
Hours00 Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode between 12am and 1am GMT.
AverageDesired00 The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user) between 12am and 1am GMT. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
AverageUsed00 The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user) between 12am and 1am GMT. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 5 busiest days of the week. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
MaxDesired00 This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged between 12am and 1am GMT.
MaxUsed00 This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged between 12am and 1am GMT.
TotalDesired00 This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time time they were desired between 12am and 1am GMT. The unit is therefore - license hours.
TotalUsed00 This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time time they were granted between 12am and 1am GMT. The unit is therefore - license hours.
- Hours23
This is the same as Hours00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- AverageDesired23
This is the same as AverageDesired00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- AverageUsed23
This is the same as AverageUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- MaxDesired23
This is the same as MaxDesired00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- MaxUsed23
This is the same as MaxUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- TotalDesired23
This is the same as TotalDesired00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
- TotalUsed23
This is the same as TotalUsed00 except 01 refers to between 1am and 2am GMT - 23 refers to between 11pm and 12am GMT.
HoursSunday Number of hours that logging was turned on for this summary mode on Sunday.
AverageDesiredSunday The average number of licenses desired for the product (and user) on Sunday. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8 busiest hours of the day. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
AverageUsedSunday The average number of licenses granted for the product (and user) on Sunday. This is a weighted average that tries to calculate the average over the 8 busiest hours of the day. It slightly underestimates this value so it can be calculated on an ongoing basis an not just at the end of the week.
MaxDesiredSunday This is the peak number of licenses desired over the period logged on Sunday.
MaxUsedSunday This is the peak number of licenses granted over the period logged on Sunday.
TotalDesiredSunday This is the number of licenses desired times the length of time time they were desired on Sunday. The unit is therefore - license hours.
TotalUsedSunday This is the number of licenses granted times the length of time time they were granted on Sunday. The unit is therefore - license hours.
- HoursSaturday
This is the same as HoursSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- AverageDesiredSaturday
This is the same as AverageDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- AverageUsedSaturday
This is the same as AverageUsedSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- MaxDesiredSaturday
This is the same as MaxDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- MaxUsedSaturday
This is the same as MaxUsedSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- TotalDesiredSaturday
This is the same as TotalDesiredSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.
- TotalUsedSaturday
This is the same as TotalUsedSunday except it refers to Monday - Saturday.


Each log file contains all the check-outs and check-ins for a day while logging was turned on. The columns of the log files are documented in this table.

Log Column TitleDescription
UserName The login name of the user running the process that checked-out the license.
HostName Name of the host (machine) the process was running on.
ProcessId The process ID number (a.k.a. PID).
ProductId The specific product this check-out referse to.
ProductName The specific product name this check-out referse to.
StartTime(InSeconds) When the number of granted licenses were checked-out in numder of seconds since the start of the the Common Era (CE a.k.a. AD). An absolute time is used here so license logs can be combined without lossing any date.
EndTime(inSeconds) When the number of granted licenses were checked-in in numder of seconds since the start of the the Common Era (CE a.k.a. AD). If you substract the StartTime, you know how long the license was checked out for.
NumberDesired The number of licenses of this product the process wished to check-out.
NumberGranted The number of licenses of this product the process checked-out.
Date The date in human readable form (YYYY/MM/DD). This should be the same for every line in a file but may be useful when files are combined. Note: Date in in GMT.
StartTime The time a license was checked out on this date in human readable form (HH:MM:SS). If a license checkout spans from one date in another, an EndTime for the end of day will be specified and a new entry for the next day will be added with StartTime for the beginning of the new day. Note: StartTime in in GMT.
EndTime The time a license was checked in on this date in human readable form (HH:MM:SS). See Start time for more details. Note: StartTime in in GMT.

See also: Customize Logging ( in Help Topics > Admin )

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